The Blossoming of St John the Leader, The Return of Jack the Leader and the Revelation of Radzinsky the (obsessed) Leader. I’m not quite sure which of these is the scariest. Jack, I think.
Kate and Jack crouch ”in the bushes like rats” as they watch Daniel’s approach to Camp Hostile:
"What's he doing in there?" Kate asks. "Jack, he's crazy." (There’s that Word again)
"Is he? What if this is why we're here? What if this is our one chance to put things back the way they're supposed to be?" Jack has Found His Purpose. Daniel handed it to him, but his Daddy Conditioned him along with The Island - which enabled the Sarah Miracle Surgery and also sent him Tour de Stade Desmond, the Charlie Resurrection and of course, Ben plus John plus Eloise ... all of these Encounters and Experiences have Motivated Jack to Choose - at this point in Time - to try and “Change Things”.
After Dan’s been shot, J&K are captured with standard Widmore brutality - a rifle-butt to the face - delivered by Erik the mounted Hostile. Jack’s lying on his back, bleeding from his facial wounds - just like he did on the Phuket beach after his beating by Achara’s people. The off-hand Widmore cruelty is/will be inherited by Danny, Colleen and their fellow Hater Loyalists - all/most thankfully dead now. CW naturally assumes, based on their attire, that J&K are DI members and escorts them into Camp, where Ellie has found, and is leafing through, Daniel’s Journal. She finds the inscription - in her hand-writing - that she doesn’t remember having written.
Ellie orders Erik to take J&K to her tent after Jack admits that Daniel, Kate and he were in the same group. Having flung Kate hard to the ground (hands bound), Erik kicks Jack in the face when he shouts: “Take it easy on her”. Family Charles really seem to hate the DI.
In her typical flip-flop manner, Kate seems unwilling to erase the last three years of her life, whereas Jack - who mentions all the “people they’ve lost” (who would theoretically never have died) - seems quite willing to “wipe the slate clean” of all the misery the Losties have been through. I had to laugh when Kate said that “it was not all misery” to which Jack - looking at her - responded that “enough of it was” Ouch, but so right.
Notice that Somebody has Managed the Jack/Kate Relationship so that Jack would - at this point in time - Choose not to have ever met Kate. Note also that Jack’s (and Kate’s) pre-crash lives were anything but “normal”. Both their lives were deliberately miserable. Somebody/Something has been manipulating them from before their births.
Enter Eloise: She’s in shock at the thought that she’s just killed her Future Son. Only Daniel’s death could have achieved this result - and IMO, Daniel knew this to be true and therefore Chose death to enable Events to unfold as foreseen by him/the DI. His death placed his (completed) Journal into Ellie’s hands and The Journal (like Gray’s Almanac in BTTF) permitted Ellie to know The Future all the way up to early 2008. And yet, Somebody (possibly Jacob) sent 2004 Daniel to 1954 via the FDW. Somebody is in control of who goes where and when. That Entity is not Richard or Ben or Charles or Ellie.
Only Daniel’s death could Motivate Ellie to co-operate with a Stranger who believed Daniel’s “we can change things” message. She’d love to believe that she can Change The Future so that she doesn’t end up killing her unborn son. Sadly, I’m sure that Ellie is about to learn the hard way about Universal Course-Correction.
Note that Ellie is currently very much in charge of Camp Hostile. I’m guessing that Charles’ hot-headed, cowardly and cruel track record caused him to be “passed over” for promotion to Leader - until Ellie left the Island or was Banished.
I’m delighted to report that I was right that Jughead was not buried under the Swan. We now learn that Jughead was buried under The Barracks - and then we learn why Widmore and his Loyalists are so angry and so cruel.
The DI built their “village” on top of Hostile Sacred Ground. There’s an entire tunnel/temple (?) complex under Dharmaville - some of which (“Summon Protection”) we know that the DI found out about. I think that CW hates the DI so much because they humiliated him and his people. His family had exterminated Team Jughead in 1954 (when CW was not yet in charge), but couldn’t repel the better-equipped and more numerous DI - which arrived in the early 70's (when CW possibly was in charge) and forced a humiliating Truce on Family Richard/Charles/Ellie, which CW has been itching to erase ever since.
I’m thinking that there’s a connection between Team Jughead and the DI, especially based on the evidence that the Island DI seemed to have a strong Military component ... lots of weapons, a military-style submarine ... even the name of Dharmaville - “The Barracks” - is Military. Before sending in their Science Team, the DI probably sent their Military Team in first - to “pacify” the Hostiles (another Military term). Note that Alvar Hanso made his fortune in the Arms business. He could easily have been involved with Team Jughead, long before his involvement with the DeGroots. The “Top Secret EYES ONLY” photo of the Island dated 9/23/54 on display in the Lamp Post supports this connection.
The DI’s Science Team, presumably headed by Dr Chang, may have arrived after the Truce was put in place and yet might still have acted (knowingly or not) as a “front” for
Military Research including Interrogation Pharmacology, Animal research - with Perimeter Defence applications - and of course Time Travel. After all, if a Military Force could learn to control Time, they could win every battle before it started. Maybe Radzinsky is/was a Military guy and maybe that’s why he’s so obsessed with staying “on schedule” with the Swan Construction.
Note that the Widmore-sponsored Kahana crew also included a Science Team and a Military Team.
Note also that post-Purge Mikhail and Kelvin were both ex-Military guys and that Mikhail was on Jacob’s List.
Ellie brings a blanket out of her tent with which to cover Daniel’s corpse and passes her hand over Dan’s dead eyes - which magically close all by themselves as so many other dead eyes have on LOST. When she announces that Erik and Richard will be coming with her as she leads J&K to The Bomb, Charles is startled and dismayed, because he knows that Ellie’s pregnant, which adds even more irony to her situation. She’s already carrying the unborn son she just shot to death.
Richard: "The man you're asking about, Jack, is Charles Widmore. He and Eloise are...let's just say ... love can be complicated." This comment reminded me of Tom’s comment - also to Jack - about the relationship between Ben and Juliet.
The Ellie/Richard/J&K group arrive at a pond:
As soon as Kate hears that this pond is the gateway to The Tunnels, she balks and announces that: "I'm going to go back and find everyone else. I can't go any further with you, Jack. Not this time." So much for Loyalty, Trust and “I’ve always been with you.”
I recognise that for dramatic purposes, Kate has to leave Team Jack, has to re-join Team James to clue them in on what the Jughead Plan is and that at some point in the Finale, all our Losties have to be re-gathered and sent Back to The Future, but ... sometimes my willingness to suspend my disbelief is, um, strained. Based on Kate’s (credible) unwillingness to “restore” the timeline to a “normalcy” in which her Future involves trials and Jail-time, I get it that she’d like to stop the Jughead Plan. What I totally don’t buy is Jack (and Sayid) letting her walk away.
I loved the Return of the Jedi, oops, I mean the Return of Sayid and I understand his support of the Jughead Plan. Farewell Erik - and good riddance.
Let’s talk about “Erasure” for a moment. “Tabula Rasa” (way back in S1), means “Clean Slate” - a fresh start. Ben erased the Red Sox tape to record the Widmore Assault. Jack’s blackboard cleanup sort of did the job, but what had been “erased” was still somewhat visible. Miles’ failure to erase the Camera 4 tape had, um, consequences.
In the last few Eps, the word “Erase” has become more prominent, including Sayid’s question: "So you're telling me you're going to erase the last three years of our lives?"
For me, the implication is that Full and/or Partial Erasure of Memory and of Events is possible in the LOST Universe. Starting over, “do-overs” and the Deja Vu of half-erased memories and the Room 23 reference to “Everything Changes” ... all of this points to History being re-written. Despite Daniel’s (formerly) staunch insistence that WHH, I believe he was right that “we can change things”, but that he was wrong about when this might be possible.
Despite hints that History has already been re-written in minor ways (no Annie, no Olivia), I think that The Incident has to happen more-or-less as it did and our Losties have to return to 2008 (possibly surrounded by the Changes they have enabled), finally knowing enough about Time and the nature and capabilities of The Enemy (and of themselves) to evolve into the Super-heroes they’ll need to be to win the Season 6 War.
Kate: "Since when did shooting kids and blowing up hydrogen bombs become okay?" This question goes to the heart of the “Means to an End” and “Greater Good” questions and Kate is here showing that she’s unwilling to use Evil Means to achieve an alleged Greater Good. For the moment.
Jack: "The three of us disappeared off that plane and ended up here, now, because this is our chance to change things." Sorry Jack, all you’re doing is ensuring that WHH.
"And if you're wrong, then everyone on the island dies. Do you understand that?"
"I'm not wrong, Kate. This is it. This is why we're here. This is our destiny." Re-born Man-of-Faith Jack still has a few things to learn. Nevertheless, I’m happy to see that “Jack has become John” as I’d predicted a long time ago.
"Do you know who you sound like? Because he was crazy too, Jack. You said so yourself." (Another reference to Insanity)
"Well, maybe I was wrong."
"No, you were right. I'm going back to find the rest of our people because if I can't stop you, maybe they can." So much for Kate’s Mission to Find Claire. She didn’t even find Miles, Jin and Hugo.
Despite Erik’s death, Richard dutifully obeys his Leader and dives into the pond. Before following him, Jack tells Sayid:"If I don't see you on the other side, I won't blame you." “Cooper” told John he’d see him “on the other side” (of surgery) and Ben said something similar to Jack just before his Hydra Spinal surgery. To me, this “recycling” of scenarios and phrases suggests that The Island is (at least to some extent) controlling the perceptions of our Losties.
Jack’s journey through the underwater passage leads him into the Moon Pool of the underground Tunnel/Temple complex. Note that Jack’s swim into this Moon Pool recalls Charlie’s swim into the LG’s Moon Pool at the end of S3. I’m thinking we’ll be seeing the LG’s Moon Pool again very soon - when the sub docks there.
Jack’s a bit surprised to see that Sayid’s decided to Follow the Leader, but Sayid’s Gallows Humour makes sense to me: "If this works, you might just save us all. And if it doesn't, well at least you'll put us out of our misery." Indeed, Sayid’s currently out of options: he’d rather Die Together than try to Live Alone in the 1977 Island jungle.
As they walk through the tunnels, Sayid whispers to Jack, "I'm sure it's occurred to you that this woman's motivation in helping us detonate the hydrogen bomb is only to annihilate the Dharma Initiative." No Sayid - Ellie’s Motivation is to prevent the Future murder of her unborn son.
"Yes, but I still trust her."
"Because 30 years from now, she's the one that's going to tell us how to get back to the island." No, Jack - you trust her to try to Change Things in 1977 because of what Daniel told you. Try to keep your Motivations straight, guys.
When Ellie uncovers Jughead, we see that it’s in a cart equipped with railway-type wheels. I’m thinking that Jughead will soon be rolled through the Underground Railway towards The Swan. My best guess is that it will NOT be exploded, but that the Tunnel entrances to the various DI Stations will be blocked off per the Blast Door Map and that Blast Doors will be installed in the Swan and the Staff (and possibly the Pearl and Tempest) because of the post-Incident danger of Jughead exploding at some future point. That point might very well occur in the Season 6 War.
Note that the Bear Cave may have led to a Tunnel. Maybe the DI knew about the Tunnels. Or not. Note also that Smokey may have used these tunnels and that they may have been blocked off to keep Smokey out of the DI Stations.
30 years later: Richard has set up a Beach Camp complete with fish and squid drying racks. Richard’s working on a ship-in-a-bottle project. I’m thinking the model ship is the Black Rock. One of Richard’s People runs up to announce that “He’s here”. Like the Messiah, Family Richard’s been expecting the Return of St John. For three years.
John has a dead boar over his shoulders and announces that he has brought dinner. I guess the Island told JL where to find Camp Richard after the Temple Visit. Richard doesn’t seem to be surprised to see JL, but he does seem to be (a little) surprised to see Ben.
Responding to Richard’s recognition that St John exudes Confidence, Locke smiles and nods. "I have a purpose now." Let us hope that St John is serving the Good Guy aspect of The Island.
After explaining to Sun that John is now the Leader of The Others and that RA has been an “advisor” to the Leader for “a very, very long time”, Sun asks Richard if he remembers having met the 1977 Losties: "Yes, I was here 30 years ago. And I do, I remember these people. I remember meeting them very clearly because I watched them all die." Is he lying? He didn’t see J,J &K board the sub.
OR ... maybe at some point during The Incident, once all the 1977 Losties have been reunited, Richard watches them “die” in some way that actually sends them back to 2008. Note that “Christian” and St John have both suggested that reuniting with Jin and the rest of the Losties is possible. It would certainly be poetic - Sun loses Jin at the end of S4 and is reunited with him at the end of S5.
After hearing Richard’s depressing “news”, St John tells Sun: "I don't think we went through all this for nothing, Sun."
Prior to embarking on their Errand, John asks Richard:"You still have that [immaculately-conceived] compass I gave you?"
Richard pulls it out of his pocket. "Little rusty, but she can still find north."
"Ben, I'd appreciate it if you'd join us," Locke says.
"Why, John? Don't you trust me here with my former people? Afraid I'll stage a coup?"
"I'm not afraid of anything you can do anymore, Ben." St John is Strong with The Force.
Ben nods. "Well in that case, I'd love to come." Ben keeps trying to needle John, trying to maintain some kind of Superiority over Him.
As the Three Musketeers march toward the Beechcraft, we learn that Richard knows about the FDW. He may be old enough to have witnessed its initial use.
We also learn that St John wants Richard to take him to visit Jacob immediately after the completion of their current “errand”. After Ben’s snide “That’s not how it works, John”, Richard agrees that it’s indeed possible for him to bring Locke to The Prisoner.
When John announces that they’re ”almost to the plane”, Ben asks: “What plane?” I found this question puzzling because Ben ought to have known perfectly well what plane they were approaching. He knew about it when he and Juliet visited the Pearl in “Expose”. Anyways ...
We now find out (in the coolest possible way) how Richard knew about Locke’s leg injury inflicted by Ethan in 1999/2000. We’ve ”returned” to the night when Richard emerges from the bush, extracts the bullet and tells John that he has to leave the Island, round up the O6 and bring them back. And that he’ll have to die to accomplish this task.
A minor quibble: when I first saw this scene, I noted that Yemi’s body was still in the plane. It hadn’t yet been found by Eko and “cremated” by him. This pegged the date of this visit by JL to 2004 - probably November. However, while John was encountering Richard in what I thought was 2004, Team Daniel/James/Juliet/Charlotte/Miles were encountering the Ajirans in the Outrigger Race of Death - which agrees with the 2008 timing of The Errand. OK, then.
Note that Ben described 2008 John watching Richard minister to his 2004 injured self as “quite the Out Of Body Experience” This is another reference to Altered States and cannot be a Coincidence.
"Your timing was impeccable, John. How did you know when to be here?"
"The island told me. Didn't it ever tell you things?"
"No, John, [which contradicts Ben telling John that the Island used to send him Dreams] and clearly it hasn't told you where Jacob is, otherwise you wouldn't need Richard to show you." Ben trying again to flaunt his Superior Insight
"You've never seen him," Locke says.
"What?" Ben seems to be astonished at the accusation that he’s never seen Jacob. Who else cured Rachel?
"Jacob, you've never seen him, have you?" Ben gives no reply, but it sure seemed to me that Ben saw Jacob quite clearly in The Cabin until Jacob switched his Attention to John for his famous “Help Me”
Locke hasn’t permitted enough time for Ben and Richard to get properly caught up, so Richard seems genuinely surprised to hear that John did, in fact die. That ought to enhance his Messiah status.
Upon returning to the Beach Camp ( at night), Richard suggests that they head to see The Wiz in the morning, but John is eager to leave right away. Richard and Ben exchange some Looks that imply that they’ve cooked up Ben’s return between them and that they have a Plan to “manage” JL:
"We can do whatever you want, but maybe the two of us should go to my tent and talk--" Richard is possibly playing for time, possibly intending to tell JL that Jacob is an Evil Spirit, under restraints devised by him and Ben.
"Is this everyone?" Locke asks, unwilling to delay his departure.
"Well, there's another group at The Temple [what’s Special about the Temple Group, whom John, Ben and Sun did not meet while they were in the neighbourhood? Do they include Cindy, the Children and the kidnapped Tailies?], but--"
"If you don't mind, I'd like to talk to everyone here now."
"Of course. Be my guest." [Reluctant at the prospect of Losing Control of his People]
Locke: "Hello, everyone. My name is John Locke. I've been told that for some time, you all have been accepting orders from a man named Jacob. And yet, oddly enough, no one has actually seen him. Now, I'm sure there are very good reasons why his existence and whereabouts are a secret," he turns and looks at Richard, "I just don't know what they are." He turns back to everyone else. "And to be honest with all of you, if there is a man telling us what to do, I want to know who he is."
Sun steps forward. "This man, Jacob, can he tell us how to bring Jin and the rest of our people back here?"
"Absolutely. Richard has agreed to show us where we need to go. So I'm going to go and see Jacob, right now. And I'd like all of you to come with me." As St John walks among His People, they lay their hands on him, having accepted him as The Promised One.
To Ben, Richard says, "I'm starting to think that John Locke is going to be trouble."
"Why do you think I tried to kill him?" Ben asks. Are these two on the same side, or is Ben “handling” Richard?
Despite the “immediate departure” agenda, Family Locke do not, in fact leave that night. They leave the next morning - to the same LOST music as when Jack led his people to the RT at the end of S3. Jack=Locke=Moses
En route, Ben (for some reason speaking for Richard) offers:
"This pilgrimage to see Jacob makes [Richard] uncomfortable. He's expressed that he has reservations on whether or not you know what you're doing."
"I appreciate you bringing this to my attention, Ben."
"I know we've had our differences in the past, but I'm here to follow you now [or else my Demon Daughter will Hunt me Down and Destroy me]. So if you need Jacob to help you reunite with your people then I--"
"I'm not interested in reuniting with my people." Yes you are, but you need to carry out another Errand first.
"What do you mean? You told Sun--"
"I know what I told her [what she needed to hear], but that's not why we're going to see Jacob."
"Then why are we going to Jacob?"
"So I can kill him." And why are you announcing this in front of Your People?
Regardless, these last five words sure stopped Ben in his tracks - and cast a whole different light on the Richard/Ben/Locke relationship. If RA and Ben were afraid that JL had intended to “free” Jacob and that they were losing control of The Prisoner to a naive Island Servant unaware of Jacob’s Evil Nature, then these five words place John, Richard and Ben squarely on the same Good Guy side.
My thoughts on Jacob: Mikhail referred to him as a Magnificent Man and also told John, Sayid and Kate that they weren’t on Jacob’s List because they were Flawed. Obviously Mikhail was on Jacob’s List along with Bea and presumably a number of other Others.
Danny said that Jack wasn’t on Jacob’s List, which implies that he himself (and his Hater wife Colleen) were. So ... it seems to me that Jacob is a Bad Guy Hater and deserves to be Imprisoned. If Ben and/or Richard are his Jailers, then they are by implication Good Guys
Note that Danny, Colleen, Ethan, Mikhail, Bonnie, Greta, Ryan, Jason, Tom and more are all dead now - a Second Purge initiated by Good Guy Ben. I think that the Rules surrounding CW’s Banishment included protection for his “Loyalist” followers. Ben could take no direct deadly action against them. In return, they were required to obey him - which they did, reluctantly at times.
My thoughts on Jacob’s Colleague “Christian”: A Parent who would perpetually undermine the self-confidence of his son, a Husband who would cheat on his Wife, a Doctor who would advocate the murder of a comatose patient and a Spirit that would casually tell a Self-Sacrificing Hero that he “can go now” is an Evil Being. Had Christian succeeded in killing Carole, Kate could not have dumped Aaron into her lap and hopped onto Ajira 316.
Meanwhile, back in 1977:
Mad Rad cuffs Jim and Jules to separate chairs and foolishly attempts to force intel from James by punching him out. C’mon, Stu, James has been tortured by far better Interrogators than you. Note that Horace the Meek is elbowed aside by Rad’s Ahab-like Obsession with the Swan’s Construction schedule. Is Rad an ex-Military Guy who knows the True Purpose of the DI’s “Research”?
When Snake-eye Phil smacks Juliet, however, James threatens to kill him. RIP, Phil. You’ll never meet Zeke, who also earned a Sawyer death-threat.
Note that Somebody has Motivated James and Jules to lurve each other. I wonder if Somebody Else Motivated James to lurve Kate.
Right after the Phil Death Promise, a Dharmite hustles in and points out that Kate and Jack were last-minute additions to the Sub Manifest and that Hugo Reyes, current whereabouts unknown, was connected to J&K
Hugo is stuffing DHARMA food into his knapsack, after which he lumbers up a hill carrying the knapsack and the guitar-case. I sure wonder what’s in the GC. Dr Chang follows him.
Hugo catches up with Jin and Miles, and shows them the food in his backpack and then asks: "What's the rescue plan?" Heart-of-Gold Hugo wants to help his Friends.
"Rescue plan?" Miles says. "We're heading to the Beach. Why do you think we sent you for food?"
"But they've got Sawyer and Juliet," Hurley says.
"And there are 30 of them and they all have guns," Miles says. "The only people we can rescue is ourselves, so let's go." Miles is still unevolved, still “Every Man For Himself”
"We've got to do something. I mean, Sawyer would never leave us behind." If he weren’t Under Arrest.
Leaves rustle and Jin and Miles raise their guns as Pierre emerges from the bushes.
"Dr. Chang, what are you doing here?" Miles asks.
"I could ask you the same question,"
"But we asked you first," Hurley says.
"Your friend, Faraday, said you were from the future. I need to know if he was telling the truth." Daniel’s Performance is bearing fruit
"Dude, that's ridiculous" World’s Worst Liar.
"What year were you born?" Pierre asks Hurley.
"You're 46?"
"Yeah. Yes, I am."
"So you fought in the Korean war?"
Hurley thinks a moment and then says, "There's no such thing." Wrong answer
"Who's the President of the United States?" LOL - exactly the question he was afraid would be asked when James brought them to the Dharmaville Induction Centre
"Alright, dude, we're from the future," Hurley says. He looks at Jin and Miles. "Sorry."
Pierre walks up to Miles. "It's true, then? You are my son?"
"Yeah, it's true," Miles says. Daniel’s “You’ll see” Prediction comes true.
"Your friend, the physicist, he also told me to evacuate everyone I could off the island. He said there was going to be a massive accident at the Swan. Is that true?"
"He's been right about everything so far," Miles says. "If Faraday said get people off the Island, I'd do it."
"Well, then let's hope he knows what he's doing," Pierre says, abandoning the Three and marching to Security.
When Dr C arrives at Security, blurting out Orders to evacuate all non-essential personnel, Radzinsky cuts him off:
"Aren't you supposed to be at the Swan right now, Chang? [not a respectful Dr Chang]" We're supposed to break ground in less than 20 hours." [Huh? Ground was broken weeks ago]
"We are under imminent threat. If we start drilling, there's a high probability of a cataclysmic accident."
Rad: "We are drilling and on schedule!" This is a guy who definitely should blow his brains out.
Pierre: "Horace, you're in charge."
Rad: "He's not in charge anymore [War trumps Science every time] This is my decision and it's been made. We keep working."
"Let us on the sub," Sawyer says. "He's right. It ain't safe. Put the women and children on the sub and get them the hell out of here." He looks at Juliet and she smiles. "And if you put me and Juliet on the sub with them, we'll tell you anything you want to know." He looks at Juliet. "You okay with that, sweetheart?"
"Absolutely," she says. Awww
Radzinsky: "You want on that sub, Jim?" He slaps a notebook in Sawyer's lap. "Draw me a map. I want to know exactly where the hostiles are." [so that I can break The Truce]
Miles, Jin and Hugo watch Women and Children including Charlotte, her Mum, Lara and Baby Miles exiting their DHARMA bus before boarding the sub. Miles sees Dr C arguing with Lara, ordering her away from the Island, and (finally) learns why he was being so “mean” to his own wife: “It was the only way to get her to leave”. Miles finally learns the Truth because nothing stays buried on the Island. But, honestly - Duh. Saw that coming weeks ago.
The Three are just about to start out for Lostie Beach (hope they know the Fence code) when Hugo spots (cuffed) Jim and Jules boarding the Sub. Hugo says that Sawyer always has a plan (Ben’s line) and he does, but despite appearances, I think they’ll all be seeing each other very soon.
Sawyer’s Plan is the “Back to The Future” Biff Tannen Plan - “we’ll buy Microsoft. We’ll bet the Cowboys in the ‘78 Superbowl.” He expects to benefit financially (as did CW) from his Future Knowledge. Unfortunately for J&J, I doubt that they’ll be returning to the Real World just yet.
Kate’s last-minute arrival, like Ben’s 316 arrival cracked me up. Juliet’s PISSED look was hilarious and the awkward “Hey” and “Hey” was rather funny. But I doubt that Juliet needs to worry about Skate. Kate’s role here is to be the Link between Team J&J and Team Jack/Ellie.
We know that Lara, Miles, Charlotte and her Mother get to the Real World in 1977, but I’m guessing that JJ and K won’t get any farther than the LG - where they’ll be reunited with their fellow Losties for the Humdinger Finale, which will have to include Team Ilana, Captain Frank - and whatever’s/whoever’s in the metal crate.
As the Captain presses the “Submerge” button and the Galaga disappears, I’m confident we’ll see it again shortly.
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