An action-packed, thought-provoking Finale that gave us lots of answers, left us lots of questions and revealed a whole lot more about how Unreal/Imaginary/Mythical LOST really is. This Finale also paid respectful homage to its 4 predecessors.
Jacob is spinning yarn into thread using a treadle-operated Sewing machine. He wears home-spun hand-sewn cotton clothing and simple sandals. Family Richard’s people, the ones who wear home-spun clothing, are Jacob’s Children. His hair is light brown and his face reminds me of Bram’s.
We see him using The Machete to “position” the threads of his Tapestry - which depicts a Winged Eye - the All-seeing Eye of God, I suppose. In his Stone Chamber, there’s a Magical Eternal Flame (no fuel required) burning in a circular pit.
Jacob is outdoors - at the shore - where he cleans a freshly-trapped fish using the same (?) Machete as we just saw him use on his Tapestry. He fillets and cooks the fish on a hot rock. Once it’s warm enough to eat, he places the fish fillet on a leaf. No more than the bare necessities of technology for Jacob. His shirt is a Light colour. As he gazes out to sea, he spots the Black Rock approaching.
I doubt that Jacob needs to eat, but I suppose he does because it’s pleasant. For him. For the fish, not so much. I wonder at this “needless” killing.
He is joined by his Enemy/Brother - who wears a dark shirt. Referring to the Black Rock, Jacob’s Frenemy says:
"You brought (Manifested - or Attracted?) them here. Still trying to prove me wrong, aren't you?" (Like Q in “Encounter at Far Point” and in “All good things” in ST TNG)
"You are wrong." (About the Worthiness of Humanity)
"Am I? They come, fight, they destroy, they corrupt. It always ends the same (in every Iteration so far)."
"It (Human History) only ends once. Anything that happens before that is just progress."
"Do you have any idea how badly I want to kill you?" (And all Humans)
"One of these days, sooner or later, I'm going to find a loophole, my friend."
"Well when you do, I'll be right here." (He’s expecting The Enemy’s “success”)
"Always nice talking to you, Jacob."
"Nice talking to you, too."
We learn that The Statue is still standing in 1845 - and that (as guessed by many, including myself) it’s Taweret - the Egyptian Goddess of Fertility:
Taweret - The Great Female - was the ancient Egyptian goddess of Maternity and Childbirth, protector of women and children. Like Bes, she was both a fierce demonic fighter as well as a popular deity who guarded the mother and her newborn child.
The fact that her Statue was mostly missing (not even a visible pile of rubble) by 2004 may have something to do with the deaths of pregnant females on the Island after the Purge.
Plutarch described Taweret as a concubine of Set who had changed her ways to become a follower of Horus and that Taweret kept Set's powers of evil fettered by a chain.
An alternative consort for Taweret was Sobek: In some Egyptian creation myths, it was Sobek who first came out of the waters of chaos to create the world. As a creator god, he was occasionally linked with the sun god Ra .... RA .... Richard Alpert
I’m thinking that Jacob and his Frenemy are the embodiments of The Island’s Dark and Light Aspects. Opposed to each other, but also fraternally connected to some degree. As powerful as these two are, I think that God or The Island is more powerful still and that these two Players are themselves part of a larger Tapestry of which they may or may not be aware. Note that The Others, in their Room 23 video recognised that God and Jacob weren’t the same Being: “God loves you as he loved Jacob”
The introduction (to us) of The Machete supports the idea that all of LOST is a Game in which a limited number of “Props” like The Machete and the MacCutcheons Bottle are recycled by various Players through various recycled Scenarios. Maybe some/all of the Misery and Suffering of our Losties isn’t really real, but is used as a Teaching/Conditioning Tool by The Puppeteers . I don’t like this idea much, but it seems to be supported by what we’re seeing in the Show.
I’m also thinking that Charles, Eloise, Ben and Team Ilana know all about the Rules of this Game, although Ben’s actions in this Ep are impossible for me to fully understand at this point.
The fact that Humans have (as of 1845) “always” followed the same fight/destroy/corrupt pattern suggests that the Brothers have been connected to Humanity for thousands of years - back to at least Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece and Rome. It may be that the Brothers “moved” to The Island to “retire” like Rose and Bernard, disgusted with Human Conflict.
Maybe the descendants of the Statue-builders have all been wiped out and Jacob’s decided to try again with the Black Rock Humans.
An Iowa Gas Station/General Store - which Young Katie and Young Tom Brennan have decided to rob. With some Patsy Kline (what else? After all, Katie’s Theme Music is PK) on the Store’s radio, Katie tries to steal a lunch-box, but is caught red-handed. Jacob teleports into the store with some cash and buys Katie’s Freedom. He tells her to “be good”, secures her promise never to steal again but forgot to get her to promise never to murder her Step-Father. This Jacob visit seems to be intended to keep Katie on the Straight and Narrow. Too bad that The Enemy has access to Katie/Kate at a later point in her life. I doubt it, but I wonder whether Kate remembers this encounter with Jacob.
I’ve been writing since S3 that the lives of our Losties have been Managed for decades. This Ep finally shows us proof that I was right. The fact that their pre-crash lives were mostly miserable suggests that The Bad Guys intended this band of misfits to join the on-Island Bad Guy Army, but once on the Island they were protected from Bad Guy contact long enough for a few of them to be healed and educated to become Good Persons.
Note that Ben Linus, International Man of Mystery subsequently also left the Island with the appropriate Foreign Currency. To some extent, Ben is an expression or extension of Jacob.
The Galaga: J&J learn from Kate that Jack plans to explode Jughead, but James’ initial reaction, with which Juliet had previously agreed, was that they’d decided to return to the Real World and retire with wealth and happiness.
Naturally, the Dramatic Requirements of the Plot couldn’t permit this and in an impossible-to-believe change of heart, Juliet decides to throw her life away because her parents broke up when she was a young girl. Her pretext is Loyalty to their friends, but it’s just a pretext. She disables their guard, unlocks their cuffs and the three of them convince the Galaga Captain to surface long enough to permit them to paddle back to the Island in a life raft. So much for my prediction last week that they’d be off-loaded at the LG.
Shortly after their return to the Island, Vincent finds them, followed shortly by Rose and Bernard, who, after the flaming arrow deaths of “everyone they knew” (which contradicts 1954 Ellie’s comments about them having been captured) decided to “retire”.
Bernard: "People try their entire lives to get themselves a nice quiet place near the ocean where they can live in peace. We did. That's what we made for ourselves." I’m thinking that R&B really have made their reality for themselves. They have access to DHARMA food, nobody harasses them and the sun is always shining. How real is their Retired Bliss? As real as they “want”.
Does this mean that the pain and suffering of our Losties is something they want? Or something that Someone Else wants for them?
Based on this R&B scene, it’s possible that these two end up becoming Adam and Eve, as long as they die some time in the next 20 years or so.
The Tunnels: Sayid’s been reading the Journal and tells us that Daniel left detailed instructions on how to remove the “plutonium core”, which would be more than powerful enough to “wipe out” the Swan’s EM Pocket. Hugo and Jack may have Miraculous Super-Powers, but Sayid’s the Team’s Ninja Assassin Techie.
In order to notate Jughead’s design, did Daniel Time Travel to the (no doubt Top Secret) US factory where 1954 Jughead was manufactured?
While Sayid works on Jughead, Richard Chooses a sledge-hammer from the convenient selection at hand. He approaches a “Stone” wall and by delicately tapping, locates the one that’s to be hammered. A few moments later, we’re in Horace’s basement. The implication is that the DI excavated the foundation for this house, encountered a buried stone wall and simply laid their concrete-block foundation wall along-side the ancient buried stone wall without any further investigation AND that the Hostiles knew about this and knew how and where to break through stone and block to enter this basement. OK, then. So much for last week’s prediction that they’d use the Tunnel rail-road to move Jughead to the Swan. I’m guessing we’ll see more of The Tunnels in S6.
Richard tells Jack that having met JL a few times, there didn’t seem to be anything particularly Special about him and asks Jack his opinion on JL. Jack’s comment that Richard shouldn’t “give up on” JL seems to me to have been transmitted to Richard’s 2008 self - who’s got a John Locke Problem.
Having removed the Core, J&S have about 2 hours to get to The Swan and just before Richard knocks Ellie out, she tells Jack (but in reality, us) not to “misunderstand who’s in charge here” - Jacob? The Island? God? The Universe?
As Sayid announces that he and Jack will hide in plain sight (by wearing Horace’s clothes) we are reminded that The Enemy is hiding in plain sight - by wearing John Locke’s, um, body.
The Dharmaville Firefight reunites most of our Losties (too bad about Sayid’s nasty gun-shot wound to his gut, compliments of Roger Linus. Dang, but Karma’s a bitch). On their way to the Swan, they reunite with James, Juliet and Kate - which gets all our Lostie ducks in a row.
Swan site:
Mad Radz arrives and confronts Dr Chang about having stopped The Drill:
"I've been working on this project for six years, designing a station that will be able to manipulate electromagnetism in ways we've only dreamed of." I guess this makes Radz a Mad Scientist instead of a Mad Soldier.
"Have you thought about the consequences of drilling into that pocket? We have no idea--"
"If Edison was only worried about the consequences, we'd all still be sitting in the dark. [Technological Progress is Good]. I came to this island to change the world, Pierre, and that's exactly what I intend to do. [you will indeed Change The World, only not in the way you thought]. Let's get it started!" He hits the side of the large drill. Drilling continues.
30 years later: Richard has a John Locke Problem which, given what he knows about the Island’s abilities to Manifest objects, animals and people shouldn’t be a Problem at all. Yes, yes, I know that the Plot requires Richard and Ben not to realise they’re being led around by an Evil Spirit disguised as JL, but still ... I’m disappointed that the Writers couldn’t come up with something better than Temporary Stupidity to explain their willingness to permit the coming Devastation to their People.
Unless - and I’m clinging to this - unless they do know that Locke isn’t Locke, they do know that Ben has to “kill” Jacob, they do know how disastrous this Choice will turn out to have been and they play out their parts anyway because they know there’s a do-over coming, in which Ben can/will make a different Choice.
Ben tells Sun that he’s never met Jacob - and this seems to be The Truth. But ... during Juliet’s 3 years on the Island she presumably experienced enough of Jacob’s Miraculous Powers that Ben was able to convince her that Jacob could cure Rachel’s Cancer if she would only Choose to stay on the Island and keep working on the Fertility Problem. I guess that Jacob spoke to Richard - who passed messages on to Ben - who passed them on to “his” Family. Sounds pretty clunky to me. It wouldn’t take a genius in such a small-town environment to figure out that Richard was Jacob’s true mouthpiece.
We learn that Richard’s Immortality is a Gift from Jacob and we get more hints from “Locke” that death and destruction for Family Richard are around the corner.
Team Ilana are paddling to the Island with The Crate. Frank is not tied up, but he is lying on his back in the canoe. The outrigger Race of Death with the Time-skipping Losties has not occurred. Yet. If ever.
Frank learns that he might be a Candidate for ... New Leader of the Others? Human Sacrifice to reanimate the corpse of JL?
Given Team Ilana’s soft-touch treatment of Miles, they may be Good Guys, but Bram’s snotty attitude and Friendly/Unfriendly Toggle Attitude bugs me.
“Flashback” to the Ford double funeral. Young Jimmie’s writing The Letter and his pen runs out of ink (like the Lawyer’s pens at the Claire adoption meeting). Jacob is there to hand Young Jimmie a pen - that he can keep. To me, this proves that Jacob encouraged Jimmie to pursue a Vengeance-Driven Life (which he does, despite his promise to his Uncle Clem not to finish The Letter). At best, Jacob is willing to ruin James’ life for The Greater Good. At worst, Jacob is not a Good Guy at all.
Note that Uncle Clem’s comment that “What’s done is done” recurs in 1977 James’ Discussion with Jack. The suggestion (for me) is that this 1976 “flashback” was “created” by Jacob/ the Island in 1977 to influence James in 1977. Call me crazy, but I’ve been doubting the “historicity” of these “flashbacks” since “Enter 77".
“Locke” asks Ben if he’s told Richard about the Kill Jacob Plan. For a moment, I thought maybe “Locke” was testing Ben in some way, but then we learned that “Locke” doesn’t know everything either:
Ben: I started thinking differently about things when my dead daughter threatened to destroy me if I didn't do everything you said." (And yet, a few hours previously, Ben wasn’t being meek and servile at all. I hate these Writers’ flip-flops)
"Wait, wait." Locke steps in front of Ben and stops him. "Where did this happen?"
Despite Locke’s access to The Island, he doesn’t know what Smokey told Ben
"In that cavern beneath The Temple, when we went to see the monster."
"So, you're willing to do whatever I say, no matter what it is?"
Assuming that “Locke” is tuned in to the Dark Side of The Island, maybe the Light Side not only judged Ben to be Good Enough, but it needs Ben to “kill” Jacob in Apparent Co-Operation with the Dark Side. “Locke” is being played by God/The Universe
"Well, then, I guess I won't have to convince you after all." “Locke” knew all along that he/it couldn’t kill Jacob directly - a challenge/constraint that Ben himself had to circumvent in order to carry out The Second Purge.
"Convince me to do what?"
"I'm not going to kill Jacob, Ben. You are." God/The Universe wants/needs Jacob to “die” so that he can be reincarnated into Locke’s corpse (?)
10/05: Sayid and Nadia are discussing plans for their Anniversary when Jacob makes a sinister appearance, distracting Sayid long enough for Nadia to be killed (possibly murdered) by a hit-and-run driver. It would appear that Jacob wanted Sayid to become Ben’s Assassin, with all the misery this brought him. To some extent, Ben and Jacob are working together. Note that Nadia’s death is similar to Edmund Burke’s. This is a Recycled Scenario that may or may not be “real”. Note also that we’ve seen this identical (I think) intersection twice before: A) Kate looking down from the lawyer’s office, B) This is the intersection where Locke’s car got smashed up right after his visit to Helen’s “grave”.
Some might say that Jacob “saved” Sayid’s life, but aside from the likelihood that Sayid would probably have preferred to die with his wife, it seems to me that if Jacob had wanted them both alive, that’s what would have happened. No ... Jacob needed Sayid alive and Nadia dead. Motivation, dontcha know.
Flashback: Ilana is in a hospital (again with the hospitals) and her face is bandaged as if for burn wounds - possibly the result of her last battle with The Enemy.
Enter Jacob: In Russian he says, "I'm sorry I couldn't make it sooner."
"I'm very happy to see you." Jacob’s expertise in Foreign Languages is echoed in the ability of various Players to Secretly Speak a Foreign Language (Sun, Airport Flowered Shirt Guy, Shannon, Charlotte, Juliet etc) The Players are extensions of Jacob or at least share some of Jacob’s Abilities.
"I'm here because I need your help," he says in English. "Can you do that? Will you help me, Ilana?"
Note that Ilana’s “help” included dragging Sayid onto Flight 316. Jacob needed Sayid on that plane, needed Sayid to shoot Young Ben and to help enable The Incident. I think that Jacob knew he, himself had to die - and be reborn/resurrected.
Ilana knows The Future (at least to some extent) and her Lackees are ostensibly carrying JL’s corpse around to show Richard “what he’s up against”. Ilana also knows how and why to find “Jacob’s Shack”. As they approach the Shack, Bram points out the break in the Ring of Ash. When she enters the Shack, it looks dishevelled and long-abandoned. She finds a scrap of tapestry depicting The Statue pinned (with The Machete) to the wall for her to find and upon exiting The Shack, orders her Bearers to torch it. Based on the fact that The Machete and the tapestry fragment were used to help lead Ilana to Jacob, my best guess is that Jacob was indeed held in this Shack for some years and only recently escaped. What involvement (if any) that “Christian” and “Claire” may have had in Jacob’s Liberation will presumably be revealed in S6.
Team Ilana’s next destination is the Statue. In contrast to Daniel’s suicidal approach to Camp Hostile, Team Ilana approach Family Richard with guns pointed to the sky, hands up in a non-threatening manner. Nobody dies. After asking for Ricardus, we find out that What Lies in the Shadow is (in Latin) “He who saves us all”. In an homage to the S4 Finale, we see that the Body in the Crate is that of John Locke.
It’s too late to prevent Jacob’s death, but that was never the goal. The Goal is to resurrect him using John’s (carefully protected by Team Ben) Body - which hasn’t just been incinerated like Jacob’s.
2000 - Jacob is sitting on a bench reading “Everything that rises must converge” by Flannery O’Connor - another book I’ll want to look into to enhance my LOST understanding. Something to do over the next 8 months.
We hear the sound of broken glass followed by the sight of JL falling backwards to the grass behind Jacob’s bench. Having known this event was imminent, Jacob is the first to approach what appears to be a corpse. When Jacob grips the corpse’s left shoulder, John takes a deep breath and “wakes up”.
Jacob: "Don't worry, everything is going to be alright. I'm sorry this happened to you." I wonder if John (and the other Losties visited by Jacob) remember these “meetings”. Note that in each case Jacob touches them. Is Jacob’s Touch important?
2008 - “John” leads his People to the Lostie Beach camp:
"Alright everyone, Richard tells me that we should get to where we are going by night-fall, so why don't you all take this opportunity to rest up and catch your breath. Considering what I have planned for you, [Slaughter? Battle?] you're going to need it."
Subsequently (to Ben) :
"What happened that day at the cabin when you first took me to meet Jacob?"
"Well you clearly already know that I was talking to an empty chair, John, that I was pretending. Which is not to say that I wasn't just as surprised as you were when things started flying around in the room."
"But why would you go to all the trouble to make something like that up?"
"I was embarrassed. I didn't want you to know that I had never seen Jacob. So, yes, I lied. That's what I do." Sayid is a Killer; Ben is a Liar
"Why do you want me to kill Jacob, John?"
"Because despite your loyal service to this island, you got cancer (of which you were cured in short order). You had to watch your own daughter gunned down right in front of you (which you subsequently accepted as your Fate). And your reward for those sacrifices? You were banished. And you did all this in the name of a man you've never even met. So the question is, Ben, why the hell wouldn't you want to kill Jacob? The Devil has a smooth tongue.
And yet ... Ben himself told Suicidal John that he was Very Important, that he had much Work to do on the Island. I’m kinda hoping that Ben’s current Mope is an Act.
Sun sees Aaron’s cradle and turning it over, finds Charlie's DS ring. (a loose end I thought might never be addressed).
Flashback to the Sun/Jin wedding after which Jacob approaches and in “excellent” Korean tells the newly-weds: "I'd like to offer you my blessing. Love is a very special thing. Never take it for granted." - as he Touches both of them. Jacob needs their Love to become so strong that Sun would Choose to abandon their daughter on the off-chance that her husband might still be alive after having given him up for dead.
1977: In an homage to the S3 Finale, James asks Jack for Five Minutes to “chat”. Before this “chat”, we get a “Flashback” during which Jack meets Jacob. After witnessing Jack’s first major solo surgery, during which his Daddy taught him the “count to five” Defense Against Panic strategy, Jack tries to buy an Apollo Bar from the vending machine. Like The Machete, these Apollo Bars are recycled “Props”. After being “cheated” by The Machine, Jack and Christian share a Moment:
"You know, it's bad enough that everybody in this hospital thinks that the only reason I got this residency is because you're my father. But then you, you put me in a ”Time out” during my first major procedure in front of my entire team. Dad, I know you don't believe in me, but I need them to."
"Are you sure I'm the one who doesn't believe in you, Jack?" Christian walks away. Sometimes I think that Christian did his best to turn Jack into a Great Doctor, but most of the time I think he deliberately or otherwise undermined Jack’s self-confidence and self-esteem. He succeeded in large measure, but the Island and Jack’s Island friends helped turn him into the Great Leader I expect to see in S6.
Jack then meets Jacob:
"One of these yours?" Jacob asks as he holds up two candy bars.
"The machine got stuck," Jack says.
"I guess it just needed a little push," Jacob says as he hands Jack his candy bar. As a comment to Jack, this doesn’t make any sense to me, but as a comment to us, it reminds us that various Players have needed Little Pushes here and there to Keep Them on their Paths.
Returning now to the Five-Minute Chat, we learn that the reason James didn’t leave the Island to prevent the 1976 deaths of his parents was that “what’s done is done” - as told to him in this Ep’s “Flashback”. Why did this phrase stick in James’ mind instead of , say: “If at first, you don’t succeed, try, try again”? Be that as it may, Newbie Man-of-Faith Jack is suddenly all about Destiny:
"I had her. I had her and I lost her."
Jack nods.
"Well, damn, Doc, she's standing right on the other side of those trees. You want her back, just go over there and ask her."
"Nah, it's too late for that." Not at all, Jack, especially if Juliet’s around (oops)
"Jack, if what you're doing even works, you and Kate will have never met and she'll be in damn handcuffs."
"If it's meant to be, it's meant to be."
Instead of Jack beating Ben to a pulp, as he did during the S3 Finale, these two Old Friends beat each other up, during which James points out that he and Juliet Had A Life in 1977 D’Ville. As James gains the upper hand, he’s called off by Juliet who tells him:
"He's right, James, we have to do this."
Her explanation seems more than a little idiotic to me:
"I changed my mind when I saw you look at her." In the Sub - where all you had to do was ignore Kate, drink the OJ and Live Happily Ever After
Sawyer starts to say something and she says, "Don't."
"I don't care who I looked at. I'm with you."
"And you would stay with me forever if I would let you and that is why I will always love you. [This sounds idiotic to me] What we had was just for a little while and just because we love each other, it doesn't mean that we are meant to be together [this profundity brought to you by Jacob’s so-called Flashback]. Maybe we were never supposed to be together. [an idiotic page out of the Hawking/Hume script] So if Jack can make it so that none of you will ever come here, he should." James doesn’t speak Destiny, but Jules does.
"Why are you doing this, Juliet?"
"If I never meet you, then I never have to lose you." She walks away.
Whatever happened to “It’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all”?
Swan site: Ahab/Radz hears from Phil that Team Jack is on the loose and Mad Rad figures that they’re headed to the Swan. He orders Team Phil to join him - with some guns.
Jack and Kate share a Moment:
"Kate, why'd you make me promise to never ask about Aaron?"
"Because I was so angry at you for making me come back here." Anger = Lust?
"Is he [James] why you came back?"
"I came back so he [Aaron] could be where he belongs, with his mother." Jeez, Kate; you sound like George Bush trying to justify going to war with Iraq - a different reason every day.
In the next of a series of nonsensical flip-flops, Kate suddenly supports Jack’s Blow Shit Up strategy.
“Flashback” - Hugo’s Release from Prison, during which Jacob - who’s waiting in a cab outside the Police Station tells Hugo that he’s been waiting for him (Telling The Truth) that he is not Crazy (which Hugo already confirmed to his Dad) and that his Ability to speak with his Dead friends is a Blessing, not a Curse. This is Jacob’s Gift to Hugo: freeing him from Guilt and Fear.
After suggesting he board Ajira 316, Jacob adds:
“It's your choice, Hugo, you don't have to do anything you don't want to." The Rules of the Game include “No Physical Coercion”. The verdict in the Trial of Humanity will depend on what Free Will Choices our Players make. Jacob exits the cab.
"Wait, you forgot your guitar."
"It's not my guitar" - The Implication to Hugo is that Jacob is an Envoy from Charlie. The Rules of the Game permit Emotional Blackmail.
Dying Sayid: "Remember, be careful. It's rigged to explode on impact. According to Faraday's plan, you must get the bomb as close as you can to the source of electromagnetism." Blowing up a Death Star is tricky.
"Sayid," Jack says. "This is going to work and it'll save you."
Vader/Sayid: "Nothing will save me."
2008: “Locke” follows Richard up the rocks at the foot of the statue. Richard sees Ben following and says, "What are you doing?"
"John wants me to join him," Ben says.
"You can't bring him in," Richard says.
"Why not?" Locke says.
"Because only our Leader can request an audience with Jacob and there can only be one Leader on the island at a time, John."
"I'm beginning to think that you just make these rules up as you go along, Richard. Ben is coming in with me, and if that's a problem, I'm sure Jacob and I can work it out."
Richard has every opportunity to block “Locke’s” access to Jacob. His allegiance is not to an Impostor. He’s either Temporarily Stupid or he’s Playing His Part.
They go up to the wall and Richard pushes the stone door. "Tell him I said hello." Richard walks away and Locke and Ben go inside.
"Will you be able to do this, Ben? I know it won't be easy, but things will change [for the worse] once he's gone," Locke says. "I promise." He hands Ben a knife in exactly the same way that Ben handed Locke the Kill-Your-Father knife at The Old Place.
Swan: Despite Miles pointing out that Jack’s actions might actually cause The Incident (something Very Important for the Losties to hear), they all agree to LTDA. During the ensuing firefight, Jack hesitates a moment before dropping Jughead’s Heart into the shaft. Kate’s nod gives him permission to erase their so-called relationship - and he drops it - to no effect.
Meanwhile, Radzinsky’s Drill hits The Pocket and in an homage to the S2 Finale, metal stuff starts flying into the drill-shaft (which might later become the Hatch Shaft) including a metal toolbox which hits Jack’s head hard enough to kill him. Pierre Chang’s left arm is crushed by a metal strut, but Miles, crying: “Dad” frees him and orders him to get away as far as possible. He (and Radzinsky) dutifully run away. Ahab doesn’t Go Down With His Ship, because his Destiny is blow his brains out later. Phil receives his Karmic Death (metal rod through the chest) with no assistance required by/permitted to James.
In an homage to the S1 Finale, Juliet gets dragged down the CV, er drill-shaft and hangs on long enough for some heart-rending “I love you’s”, after which she lets go like Gandalf and, falls (like Gandalf fell) down the 100% fatally deep drill shaft at the bottom of which all her fillings would have been pulled through her brain - and doesn’t die. Maybe she has plastic fillings.
Ben walks up to The Tapestry. It appears to be finished and has lots of Egyptian symbols on it.
"You like it?" Jacob says. He's sitting in a chair off to the side. "I did it myself. It takes a very long time when you're making thread, but I suppose that's the point, isn't it?"
"Hello, Jacob," “Locke” says.
"You found your loophole." Jacob has prepared for this Moment
"Indeed I did. And you have no idea what I've gone through to be here."
"Have you two met before?" Ben asks.
"In a manner of speaking," “Locke” says. "Do what I asked you to do, Ben."
"Benjamin," Jacob says, "whatever he's told you, I want you to understand one thing. You have a Choice."
"What choice?" Ben says.
"You can do what he asks, or you can go and leave us to discuss our issues."
"Oh, so now, after all this time, you've decided to stop ignoring me. Thirty-five years I lived on this island and all I ever heard was your name, over and over. Richard would bring me your instructions. All those slips of paper. All those lists. And I never questioned anything. I did as I was told. But when I dared to ask to see you myself, I was told, 'You'll have to wait. You have to be patient.' But when he asked to see you, he gets marched straight up here as if he was Moses. So why him? What was it that was so wrong with me? What about me?"
"What about you?" Jacob asks. Ben has been judged again - and found wanting.
"Well." Ben stabs Jacob [killing his Father again] multiple times. [acting out the part that Jacob has carefully prepared for him].
Jacob tries to say something and Locke says, "What? I can’t hear you"
"They're coming," Jacob speaks his Dying Words and Locke kicks him into the fire.
I think S6 will bring us back to this Moment, and Ben (Jacob’s Biblical Son) will make a different Choice.
Swan drill-shaft: Juliet wakes up, mortally injured and spots the (unexploded) Plutonium Core - which she pounds repeatedly with a rock. After saying “ Come on, you sonofabitch”, it finally explodes, ending the Season in a Whiteout and a “Reverse” LOST symbol.
We didn’t see Richard watching the “deaths” of the Losties, but it’s possible he saw what he said he saw.
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